Young Leaders Fund
Paving the way for start-up nonprofits and the next generation of philanthropists.
Over $1.2 Million
Dollars Granted
Over 260
Organizations Impacted

History & Mission
Founded in 1994 with the support of matching grants from the Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust and The Chicago Community Trust, YLF is the first of the six affinity funds the Trust established as giving groups to inspire philanthropy and civic leadership and support nonprofit organizations.
Young Leaders Fund (YLF) provides young professionals with an innovative way to make a difference, empowering them to manage the grantmaking process. With support from the Trust, YLF members research innovative grassroots organizations, conduct site visits, evaluate grant requests, and make award decisions. Through this process, members become more effective volunteers and more knowledgeable civic leaders, paving the way for them to develop as the next generation of philanthropists.

Our Grant Making
Young Leaders Fund focuses its grants on small, start-up nonprofits serving communities in Chicago in Arts & Culture, Child Development & Education, and Community & Economic Development.
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Explore Affinity Funds
Affinity funds are groups of donors united by a shared heritage, identity, or common interest. They offer an efficient way to support a specific group of people and the nonprofits that aid them by leveraging contributions through collective giving.