

Our Grantmaking Strategy

For more than 100 years, The Chicago Community Trust has convened, supported, funded, and accelerated the work of community members and changemakers committed to strengthening the Chicago region. From building up our civic infrastructure to spearheading our response to the Great Recession, the Trust has brought our community together to face pressing challenges and seize our greatest opportunities. Today, that means confronting the racial and ethnic wealth gap.

Explore Our Discretionary Grants


Showing 381–388 of 3858 results

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $75,000

    Young Invincibles (YI) co-leads the Illinois Higher Education Network (IHEN) to create a more equitable higher education system. We address the impacts of institutionalized racism and classism on the success of Black and Latinx students, and students from low-income households. The coalition consists of advocacy organizations, college access and success organizations, college and university faculty and staff, and students. Working with these stakeholders, YI builds momentum for policies to create fair institutional funding models, meet students’ basic needs, increase financial aid, and address student mental health in a culturally competent manner. YI also leads the Student Advocacy Board, IHEN’s student committee.

  • Grant Recipient

    B E D S INC

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $100,000

    BEDS Plus Care is a leading homeless services agency in Southwest Suburban Cook County. Its mission is to help vulnerable individuals stabilize their lives through housing and supportive services. BEDS offers evidence-based Prevention and Stabilization, Emergency, and Supportive Housing Services; all clients partner with professional case managers and receive wraparound care to manage the causes and effects of homelessness. BEDS programs follow CDC recommendations to protect clients and communities from COVID-19. Last year, it served 1800 people, including veterans; domestic violence survivors; transition aged youth; and people with chronic health, behavioral health, and disabling conditions. Eighty percent exited with sustainable housing.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $180,000

    Centro Romero, deeply committed to serving its community for 37 years, requests funding to enhance its after-school Youth Learning and Leadership Program for 75 youth ages 6 to 18 from low-income Latinx immigrant and refugee families, mostly undocumented. Founded by Salvadoran refugees fleeing a ten-year civil war, two are its leaders and advocates: the executive director and the legal services director. The organization honors the martyr-saint Bishop Oscar Romero and is governed by a board of directors that reflect the community served. Its mostly bicultural staff operate an inter-generational family-centered inter-related network of programs that the community learns about by word-of-mouth referrals that annually generate 10,000 clients.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $50,000

    As a trusted, low-barrier, wraparound social service provider with many local CBO and healthcare connections, Respond Now is poised to expand community outreach, street outreach, and vaccination event services. Respond Now will expand these services and host culturally competent block-party style vaccination events in the community garden. These events will be promoted via community health workers, hyper-local health communication campaigns, and trusted messengers. Our target population and goal is to vaccinate the community’s most vulnerable including the literally homeless, substance abusers, immigrant population, and those who experience social stigma.

  • Grant Recipient

    Chicago Community Foundation

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $9,500

    Internal transfer grant from We Rise Together (FK64) to the Illinois Covid Response Fund (FK19) in support of grant commitments from the ICRF.

  • Grant Recipient

    Kuumba Lynx

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $150,000

    Kuumba Lynx’s (KL) Hip Hop Arts Continuum and “Issa Vibe Healing Arts and Wellness Space” directly remedy trauma caused by systemic inequities and racism for the 1200 youth we engage each year and their families. Our trauma informed, Transformative Justice based continuum of programs examines root causes and equips youth ages 8 to 24 with the tools they require to identify and mitigate their trauma and do the work of Transformative Justice in their community. Support will deepen our engagement in Uptown via the ½ Pint Poetics program in 4 elementary/middle schools, KL Arts Apprenticeships and KL Performance Ensemble for high school youth, “As I Am” for youth 17-24, and Issa Vibe space for healing, wellness, and arts for the whole community.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $70,000

    Addressing the growing needs of low-income residents in the wake of widespread class-based & racially motivated financial divestment has become a paramount challenge, especially when coupled with the unique barriers of the COVID-19 quarantine. NHS requests continued general operating funding of our comprehensive housing counseling programming. NHS, as a grassroots organization led and staffed from the communities of color we serve, seeks to empower prospective and current homebuyers with an aim of bringing back financial investment and homeownership across Chicago’s low-income neighborhoods. NHS will achieve this through pre-purchase counseling, financial education, foreclosure prevention, post-purchase counseling, & mission-based lending.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $235,000

    CMP is requesting a grant from the Chicago Community Trust to support the BIPOC Impact Film Fund to support filmmakers of color working in the social impact documentary space to create powerful media with strong impact campaigns and foster a vibrant community of BIPOC filmmakers.