

Our Grantmaking Strategy

For more than 100 years, The Chicago Community Trust has convened, supported, funded, and accelerated the work of community members and changemakers committed to strengthening the Chicago region. From building up our civic infrastructure to spearheading our response to the Great Recession, the Trust has brought our community together to face pressing challenges and seize our greatest opportunities. Today, that means confronting the racial and ethnic wealth gap.

Explore Our Discretionary Grants


Showing 211–218 of 3859 results

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $150,000

    Window to the World Communications respectfully requests The Chicago Community Trust’s consideration of a one-time grant of $200,000 to support WTTW News and its expanded news platform. Financial support from The Trust will enable WTTW to sustain and advance our local affairs and journalism programming that includes the broadcasts of Chicago Tonight, the newly launched Chicago Tonight: Latino Voices and Chicago Tonight: Black Voices, digital segments of these programs and other stories on WTTW News, and community engagement activities surrounding our news content.

  • Grant Recipient

    Artisan Grain Collaborative

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $115,000

    AGC is a network of 130+ farmers, processors, end-users, and advocates working to cultivate and elevate a regenerative grainshed in the Upper Midwest. FLO funds will support AGC's core operations and expanding programmatic work.

  • Grant Recipient

    Goldin Institute

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $35,000

    Founded in 2019 by the Goldin Institute, the Chicago Peace Fellows is a unique 9-month leadership program for Black and Brown grassroots leaders which uses collaborative inquiry, strategy and action to catalyze neighborhood-level initiatives to build safer, more peaceful communities on the South and West sides. Designed with past grantees of the Chicago Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities and a wide range of civic leaders, the curriculum utilizes GATHER, an online learning hub built by the Goldin Institute to empower grassroots leaders. The GATHER course provides a series of social change concepts and tools for authentic community engagement. It is supplemented with in-person workshops and collaborative action projects.

  • Grant Recipient

    Skills for Chicagoland's Future

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $1,000

    Honoraria for participating in Bridges to Brighter Futures Learning Convenings

  • Grant Recipient

    The Chicago Community Foundation/Chicagoland Workforce Funder Alliance

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $175,000

    This is the re-funding application for the Chicagoland Workforce Funder Alliance. The Chicago Community Trust is a founding member and the host to the Funder Alliance. This application will support the Funder Alliance in FY21 and FY22. It re-confirms CCT as a "Leadership Funder" which means that funding (at least in part) pools with the other Leadership Funders, and that a CCT representative sits on the CWFA Management Committee to direct the funder collaborative's strategies, staff and grant-making. The application itself, as agreed to by Leadership Funders, is mainly cut and pasted from the latest version of the CWFA Leadership Funder Generic Proposal.

  • Grant Recipient

    Urban Growers Collective Inc

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $200,000

    Urban Growers Collective requests $200,000 to support its general operations as it expands to support beginning Black, Indigenous and People of Color farmers and the developing urban farming campus in Auburn-Gresham in partnership with Green Era.

  • Grant Recipient

    The Conservation Fund

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $125,000

    The Working Farms Fund Midwest is an innovative program to support a resilient regional food system and entrepreneurial economic development opportunities for next generation farmers through a conservation-focused impact investment model.

  • Grant Recipient

    University of Chicago Urban Labs

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $120,000

    Each college at the City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) has created a tailored yet unified equity plan to improve outcomes for BIPOC students through microgrants. With a dedication to ongoing learning, CCC’s Racial Equity team seeks research services from the Inclusive Economy Lab to measure long-term impact. Given our strong research-practice partnership with CCC and data partnerships with key government partners, we are well positioned to co-develop an approach for learning from each microgrant and identify opportunities for rigorous evaluation, working collaboratively to draft customized evaluation plans, assess feasibility of the proposed research designs, leverage existing assets, and summarize our findings to inform future equity plans.