

Our Grantmaking Strategy

For more than 100 years, The Chicago Community Trust has convened, supported, funded, and accelerated the work of community members and changemakers committed to strengthening the Chicago region. From building up our civic infrastructure to spearheading our response to the Great Recession, the Trust has brought our community together to face pressing challenges and seize our greatest opportunities. Today, that means confronting the racial and ethnic wealth gap.

Explore Our Discretionary Grants


Showing 1281–1288 of 4134 results

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $75,000

    IPHI proposes to work with partners in the Alliance for Health Equity and CHHRGE to increase engagement of health leaders to address evictions and support more affordable housing in communities across Chicago and Cook County. Covid-19 has highlighted the intersections of health and housing inequities rooted in structural racism, and Covid-19 has also demonstrated that community orgs in Black and Latinx communities across the County are at the forefront of innovative solutions that bridge community development and health. We propose to build on our existing cross-sector work to strengthen partnerships between health stakeholders, local community development orgs and housing and legal experts to support effective advocacy and systems change.

  • Grant Recipient

    Illinois Public Interest Research Group Education Fund

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $75,000

    With the support of the Chicago Community Trust, Illinois PIRG Education Fund and allies made progress in strengthening consumer and wealth-building coalitions this year, and through that, winning results. As we will detail further, this past year brought a shift in priorities, as our EITC coalition deprioritized unpaid caregiving and the state debated a massive energy bill. The coming year presents exciting opportunities to defend and build upon our progress. We plan to continue to add value to shared efforts, launch new initiatives, and strengthen partnerships for longer term success. Partnerships ground our work in the lived experience of those most impacted and are crucial to winning and defending reforms. Our current priorities include fighting for affordable utilities, defending consumers in the insurance and financial marketplaces, and building long term support for supporting valuable non-wage work.

  • Grant Recipient

    Ageoptions Inc

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $50,000

    Avisery by AgeOptions helps older adults and adults with disabilities access affordable healthcare and effectively utilize their health benefits by leveraging its 1,795-member network of health insurance counseling professionals to advocate for a responsive health benefits delivery system. With Chicago Community Trust funding, Avisery will expand its advocacy work so older adults and those with disabilities can access benefits that reduce health and wealth disparities. Avisery will use its network of professional benefits counselors, coalition partners, and relationships with insurance plans, and state and federal agencies to advocate for beneficiaries on an individual level and to address systemic barriers to access and affordability.

  • Grant Recipient

    South Shore Chamber Community Development Corporation

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $100,000

    The South Shore Chamber CDC NDI development project that includes the acquisition and renovation of a commercial property on 71st Street.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $25,000

    Apna Ghar’s mission is to provide critical, comprehensive, culturally competent services, and conduct outreach and advocacy across communities to end gender violence. Intervention services (crisis and long term) at Apna Ghar are the focus of this proposal and have a framework that brings together community-driven strategies and local partners to empower our program teams to intervene with those at the highest risk of experiencing violence, while also working with the broader community to transform their understanding of gender-based violence. Our work through this grant will continue our increased efforts of pandemic response and ensure services to prevent violence, case management and counseling, access to legal services, street outreach, training and technical assistance and shelter, and housing programs can continue to meet the needs of our local communities.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $100,000

    Chicago Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) respectfully requests renewed funding for its advocacy work to prevent and end homelessness. As a systemic advocacy nonprofit, CCH leads campaigns to address the causes of homelessness, including lack of affordable housing, fair wage jobs, health care access, and equal opportunity for systemically marginalized communities. By combining organizing, policy advocacy, and legal aid, CCH strives to center the experiences and expertise of people with lived experience to build power and make change. General operating support from the Trust would support: Bring Chicago Home (BCH): BCH advocates a progressive real estate transfer tax (RETT) increase on property sales over $1 million, with funds dedicated to permanent supportive housing and homeless services. State Legislation: CCH is leading advocacy on HB5265 (waives school fees for low-income charter school students); HB4432 / SB3123 (increases in grant amounts / equity reforms to TANF); HB2775 (removes source of income discrimination in housing); and SB3747/HB4242 (ensures childcare for parenting youth in the child welfare system). State Budget: CCH advocates level or increased funding to all homelessness line items in the Illinois state budget (Homeless Youth, Homeless Prevention, Emergency and Transitional Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing).

  • Grant Recipient

    Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $125,000

    The Alliance leads a network of stakeholders dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness in suburban Cook County. We operate a housing system that provides a coordinated continuum of interventions for people experiencing housing instability. Interventions include preventing homelessness when possible, providing crisis housing when needed, and prioritizing permanent housing. Each of these housing interventions is informed by our systemwide approach that is rooted in cross-sector collaboration, data-driven decision making, and removing structural barriers to housing. The Alliance provides the infrastructure to advance systems and policy change to connect people experiencing homelessness with the housing and services that meet their needs.

  • Grant Recipient

    Chicago Urban League

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $95,000

    The Chicago Urban League (the League) seeks $95,000 in renewal funding to support its ongoing policy/advocacy work. The League is an active member of the Transit Table, the Housing Policy Roundtable and CRA Coalition, and has joined new coalitions to further advance our wealth gap work. Grant funds will be used to (1) develop education and outreach messages and strategies relating to predatory lending, household wealth and asset-building, and community reparations; (2) build the capacity of housing, income, and wealth coalitions to include impacted voices; (3) elevate the power of collective action among impacted persons by supporting their advocacy efforts. Funds will pay salaries, subscriptions, supplies and participant stipends.