

Our Grantmaking Strategy

For more than 100 years, The Chicago Community Trust has convened, supported, funded, and accelerated the work of community members and changemakers committed to strengthening the Chicago region. From building up our civic infrastructure to spearheading our response to the Great Recession, the Trust has brought our community together to face pressing challenges and seize our greatest opportunities. Today, that means confronting the racial and ethnic wealth gap.

Explore Our Discretionary Grants


Showing 401–408 of 3858 results

  • Grant Recipient

    Chicago Torture Justice Center

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $150,000

    The Chicago Torture Justice Center (CTJC) offers politicized healing and wellness services to individuals, families, and communities impacted by police violence. We work closely with survivors tortured by Jon Burge and others within the Chicago Police Department, an organization that continues to inflict violence on Black and Brown people. We are also the home of Justice for Families, a group of family members whose loved ones have been murdered by the police. Our work responds to trauma experienced across the lifespan, as survivors who were tortured in the Burge era as teenagers and young adults are now in their 50s and 60s. As the violence of policing continues to create and exacerbate trauma, we are growing to meet evolving needs.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $72,500

    The Southwestern Suburbs has seen a dramatic increase in Arab Americans and other immigrants, yet it struggles with the appropriate capacity to engage these new residents. Arab American Family Services has served as a trusted organization and partnered with community institutions to ensure immigrant families have access to COVID-19 information, testing, vaccinations, and a full range of resources, including housing, utility, food, health, and cash assistance. Through this project, AAFS will continue expanding and intensifying its efforts to improve vaccination rates by tackling myths, addressing barriers (such as transportation and language), utilizing health navigators, cultural messaging and education, and incentivizing participation.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $80,000

    Arise Chicago is focusing on pushing for government agency action. Rather than organizing for new legislation, we are pushing for agencies to utilize their full power, and/or increase their ability to create and enact policies, executive orders, improve inter-agency coordination, etc. We are at a critical juncture as all levels of government are working to improve systems going forward. Arise Chicago seeks to ensure low-wage worker voices are driving the decision-making regarding policies that impact their lives. Action at each level of government will decrease COVID’s impact on low-wage immigrants and communities of color in the short term, and improve the agencies’ practices for building the collective power of workers in the long term.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $70,000

    DePaul University and the Institute for Housing Studies develop applied research products and deliver technical assistance to support the development, prioritization, and implementation of policies and programs that advance and protect equitable homeownership. With this funding, IHS will 1) continue to directly engage housing and community development stakeholders to understand key questions and policy applications, 2) identify and refine data needs around this issue, 3) develop new or update existing data indicators to best respond to these data needs and highlight challenges and opportunities in different neighborhood contexts, and 4) provide direct technical assistance to stakeholders supporting the use of this information in their work.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $80,000

    Far South Community Development Corporation’s (Far South CDC) project HEAPP (Housing and Equity Assistance Pilot Program) is a holistic and comprehensive strategy to address the housing and equity crisis that has persisted on Chicago’s far south side and south suburban Cook County for many decades, which has contributed to the shortage in housing options, family and neighborhood wealth leakage, and poor quality of living. HEAPP will combine: One-on-One Housing Counseling Services and Group Workshops and Seminars Family Financial Management (Family Budgeting and Debt Management) Equity & Quality of Life Home Technology & Access Housing Policy Advocacy & Public Safety This opportunity will give needed capacity to administer project HEAPP

  • Grant Recipient

    Chicago Youth Programs, Inc.

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $150,000

    CYP’s Path to Wellness provides mental health services for families who need more to overcome trauma which is now compounded by COVID-19, police brutality, and racial tensions. Path to Wellness will help heal generational and historical traumas that have long been neglected by providing education, support, and services tailored for the whole family: 1. Establish a Mental Health Pipeline by partnering with Phoenix Rising, a Black led, full-service mental health provider located within the service area. 2. Lead psycho-educational workshops to help destigmatize mental health. 3. Increase Social Emotional Learning using Overcoming Obstacles, an evidence-based restorative justice program covering critical SEL skills for Grades K-12.

  • Grant Recipient

    The Chicago Community Foundation/Chicagoland Workforce Funder Alliance

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $30,000

    The Chicagoland Workforce Funder Alliance seeks additional resources for the Progressive Pathways for Post-Secondary Success Fund (Pro Path Fund). The mission of the Fund is to expand the universe of transparent and accessible Progressive Pathways to Post-Secondary Success. Progressive Pathways allow individuals to alternate between and combine periods of education/training and employment, and thereby progressively build toward college and career success over an extended period of time. Building on the selected accomplishments of the past year, and the financial support of 20+ workforce development and education funders, the Pro Path Fund looks forward to advancing the work of the Fund and progressive pathways ecosystem.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $77,000

    Equal Hope (EH) is proposing a multi-pronged approach to address the critical needs of Chicago communities heavily impacted by COVID-19. Equal Hope Community Health Workers (CHWs), as trusted messengers in collaboration with other trusted messengers such as faith based leaders, will address vaccine hesitancy and misinformation about the COVID vaccine to increase vaccine confidence and uptake in Chicago's most vulnerable communities. The project's goal is to improve knowledge and attitudes around the COVID-19 vaccine so as to increase access and uptake of COVID-19 vaccine and eliminate COVID-19 disparities in areas of high COVID 19 incidence/mortality.