

Our Grantmaking Strategy

For more than 100 years, The Chicago Community Trust has convened, supported, funded, and accelerated the work of community members and changemakers committed to strengthening the Chicago region. From building up our civic infrastructure to spearheading our response to the Great Recession, the Trust has brought our community together to face pressing challenges and seize our greatest opportunities. Today, that means confronting the racial and ethnic wealth gap.

Explore Our Discretionary Grants


Showing 3331–3338 of 3873 results

  • Grant Recipient

    Pride ROC

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Pride ROC 3-Week Youth Safe Passage Back 2 School Initiative 1. Briefly share your plan for the community activities and events, how you will use the funds, and describe your organizational capacity to provide support for children and youth during Labor Day weekend and/or the gap time between when The Park District’s summer programming ends and the CPS (Chicago Public School) school year begins (August 6-21). Pride ROC is on a mission to bring a radical new model of healing to the lives of young Black men who have experienced deep, systemic trauma. Our groundbreaking practice is built on a foundation of trauma-informed care, layering on holistic wellness techniques, including meditation, Egyptian yoga, nutrition, and connectedness to nature. Pride ROC was founded in response to the violence, poverty, and despair, turning some of the city's communities into war zones. Pride ROC's values are to embrace and promote self-care as a human right, as we believe you can't heal communities if you don't first heal yourself. We believe in Community Extraction, in the power of the passage, that removing an individual from a traumatizing environment is critical in helping them discover a new way of life moving forward. Our model is rooted in the concept of collaborative change. We are all connected; a sense of belonging gives us purpose and togetherness. Living in Chicago, youth are predisposition to violence. Due to the current nature of the communities in which underserved populations around Chicago live, it is a given that at some point, they may see, experience firsthand or know someone who has been a victim of gun violence or violence of some sort. Programming Initiative: August 6 -August 21, 2023 Our brief summer initiative to assist in curtailing the occurrence of violent activity in the gap period of summer camp/program commencing and school starting back will be centered around three things: I. Pride ROC Passage to Self-Acquisition Embracing our self-care value, where we meet with at least 30 – 45 youths ages 13 – 18 to help them prepare mentally for the upcoming school semester. Three days during the week, Pride ROC will host focus groups with the youth prior to the start of the athletic activity to talk about self-love and affirmation. We will have counselors that will assist in running the focus groups and are experienced in dealing with focus group facilitation. II. Community Basketball Safe Passage Tournament Sports can promote physical activity, teamwork, and discipline while keeping young individuals engaged and active. We are going to host a 3 on 3 basketball tournament within the community at Oregon Park. This will provide a structured activity that will assist in the deterrence of violent activity; Pride ROC will engage youth weekly from 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm Monday – Thursday, and on the second Friday, they will have a scrimmage game to prepare for the tournament week. Youth will participate in a basketball athletic camp and will receive mentorship, guidance, and skills training. We will provide healthy refreshments and water to each participant daily. III. Pride ROC Passage to Peace A. One field trip to Camp Sullivan to allow participants to experience Pride ROC’s Community Extraction Model, where we will take them to experience a peaceful environment, assisting them in the beginning process of releasing and letting go of the varying levels of trauma that they have had to deal with. We will discuss the establishment of safe spaces within the community where they can gather, socialize, and access various resources, including educational support and a place to come if they are facing imminent danger. We will discuss conflict resolution, including role play and scenarios of how different situations could play out. On the first Friday of week one, we will charter a bus and take participants to Sullivan Camp for the Pride ROC Passenger Experience. We will board the bus at 9:00 am and will return by 9:00 pm. A detailed agenda will be included in the report of activities due in September. B. The last activity will be a community Safe Passage Unity Walk led by Black Male Community Leaders to let our children know that we care and are here for them. The plan is for this walk to be the commencing event taking place on Saturday, August 19th.

  • Grant Recipient

    People's Community Development Association of Chicago

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Conduct structured recreational activities:(i.e.arts and crafts, games; video and board, group sports and skateboarding competitions, scheduled field trips daily from 9am - 3pm. Youth will participate in community service activities too (i.e. food distribution, clean up projects, senior wellness checks, etc. Our staff of 5 adults will engage between 25-35 youth each day through to August 21st. During the Labor Day weekend there will be a Back To School Block Party with music, entertainment, bouncy house, competitions, face painting, pony rides, food, prizes and school supplies. There will be over 25 volunteers.

  • Grant Recipient

    All Family Active ALFA

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    We are applying for both events, we will have 4 activities every Sunday of August as well as an activity during Labor Day Weekend. We will be sharing valuable information and resources with parents while their children partake in physical activity. All the information will be about how we can recognize and identify any symptoms of violence, bullying and or harassment in children and specifically where they can receive additional support. All this will take place in a Chicago Park District soccer field. We have planned an activity for children ages 8 to 11 and their families, on Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend with this fund we could also open the activity for children ages 12 to 14 and could extend it to every Sunday in the month of August. With the fund, we would extend our activities more days and open to more ages, we expect around 50 to 100 children between each Sunday plus parents and siblings ages 8 to 14 years old. I repeat once again, all children or young people are welcome

  • Grant Recipient

    Church of the Good Shepherd

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    In the spirit of collaboration, the funding received under this application will allow us to further enhance the summer experience of youth and emerging adults with whom we engage throughout the year in restorative justice and community activities. It leverages the relationships established between several churches and youth organizations that engage youth in intergenerational activities throughout the year. Funds awarded will utilize the relationship building, creativity and learnings of youth previously engaged and additional ones in the following activities: Participation in an interactive play with post-play spoken word activities and journaling; A community rally which allows all the intergenerational parties from each neighborhood to come together at once, enjoy each other and plan for the coming year.

  • Grant Recipient

    Brainerd Family Network NFP

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    The New Year, New You (NYNY) programmatic series is designed to assist youth in preparation for an upcoming successful school year and lived experience. Series workshop topics will center around mindfulness (e.g. breath work, movement) career exploration and entrepreneurship. Workshop activities will take place, two days a week (August 6-21) and Labor Day weekend (September 2). Part 1. Beginning the week of August 6, youth participants will begin engaging in workshop activities and acquiring/enhancing non-cognitive skills they can use in the near future to increase their likelihood of success in the upcoming school year and beyond. Upon culmination of Part 1, participants will be required to present on knowledge they’ve acquired during their lived experience in NYNY and receive a stipend and certificate during the Labor Day event on September 2 (Part 2). Food will be provided during the workshop series and Labor Day workshop showcase/celebration.

  • Grant Recipient

    Mentor Teacher Brother Inc.

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Mentor Teacher Brother plans to have a host of weekly group activities during Labor Day weekend and the month of August. We have provided individual and group mentoring services to young men in need of guidance for over two decades. MTB mentors have years of professional experience and extensive training in various areas including but not limited to legal, education, social service, and criminal justice. The mentors are able to provide out-of-school support during the Summer; and more specifically, Labor Day weekend and the month of August. Participants will engage in weekly group activities that include recreational and educational experiences. Most of the activities will take place at the MTB Center – a two story building that MTB purchased and rehabbed in 2010 in the Roseland community. Mentor Teacher Brother, Inc. will also host a community event – Mentees will participate in a service project (Back to School Supply Drive) and attend a Back to School Retreat.

  • Grant Recipient

    Urban Male Network

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Urban Male Network (UMN) will plan consistent programs/events for the young men in our program weekly during the gap time and holiday weekend. Currently, we have been planning events/programs every week over the summer and the funds will allow us to extend our programming until the start of the school year.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $2,500

    Our proposed grant funding of ($5,000.) is for two and a half weeks (August 6t. through 28th. 2023), program for at risk youths within the South Shore neighborhood. It is entitled "Get out the neighborhood and learn". The agenda of the program to have between 16- and 20-year-old youths taken on two charter bus field trips, to important and informative places within the city of Chicago, as well as historical landmarks. This program is intended to be intellectually stimulating and socially enjoyable. Each trip is scheduled for two and a half hours. Lunch and other necessities will be provided. Each trip will have a minimum of four staff members and maybe some family members as chaperones. The title of this program is "Get out of the neighborhood and learn about your city (Chicago)"