

Our Grantmaking Strategy

For more than 100 years, The Chicago Community Trust has convened, supported, funded, and accelerated the work of community members and changemakers committed to strengthening the Chicago region. From building up our civic infrastructure to spearheading our response to the Great Recession, the Trust has brought our community together to face pressing challenges and seize our greatest opportunities. Today, that means confronting the racial and ethnic wealth gap.

Explore Our Discretionary Grants


Showing 3311–3318 of 3873 results

  • Grant Recipient

    Root2Fruit Youth Foundation

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Root2fruit Youth Foundation is applying for the opportunity to extend youth and community activation throughout the Labor day weekend. Providing intergenerational safe spaces in the Austin community. We would like to provide activation in the gap spaces between the ending of summer camp and the start of the CPS school year.

  • Grant Recipient

    Mothers Against Senseless Killings Foundation

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    We are seeking funding to run our day camp through Labor Day.

  • Grant Recipient

    Gage Park Latinx Council

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $3,500

    The Gage Park Latinx Council will host two youth spaces over the labor day weekend at our two community centers in the Gage Park neighborhood. The first will take place on September 1 at 2711 W. 51st Street and will be geared toward teens ages 15-17 years old and led by the Teen members of our youth council. This event will be a space for teens to hang out and engage in art-making activities while celebrating labor day in the safety of our cultural center on a day, Friday, which is usually the most dangerous time to be outside due to gun violence. Our second activation will be on September 2 at our second location at 53rd and Kedzie. It will be geared toward younger youth ages 9 - 14 with art and healing activities that will help young people have space to regulate emotions and be in a safe environment with their parents while observing the labor day weekend.

  • Grant Recipient

    Creative Chicago Reuse Exchange

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    CCRx hosts a series of Creative Reuse workshops called “Imagination Station”. Two or more teaching artists guide participants in making a variety of projects that involve “reimagining” surplus materials into new things that they can personalize and use. Examples include Imagination Journals made from surplus paper, photos, wallpaper samples; Recyclo-Pouches made from vinyl street pole banners, Kaleidoscopes and Drums from cardboard tubes, and Masks from PPE and a host of other materials. Youth are empowered through problem-solving and self-expression. CCRx successfully ran 18 hours of workshops during the June Gap period and has continued to offer workshops throughout the summer with various organizations. For the August Gap period CCRx will provide more Creative Reuse workshops at various park districts near our warehouse (Auburn Gresham, Englewood, etc.) between August 6 and August 21. Each workshop will engage children, ages 5 to 12 and 13-18, and any accompanying adults. The events will be promoted by park district staff and through CCRx’s social media channels.

  • Grant Recipient

    Mothers Ona Mission28

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Funding is needed for additional programs for youth during the labor day weekend and also to hire additional staff get needed supplies and provide food

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    TGi Movement will be extending our summer programming to August 19. During the program's extension, young people will undergo lessons and workshops centered around community organizing. Young people will help plan TGi's boombox week of events from August 11 - August 18th. These events will include our annual back-to-school event, our annual block party, open mic, movie night, peace circle, and more.

  • Grant Recipient

    The Original Sixty Fourth Street Beach Drummers, Inc.

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Host a Labor Day event on 09/04/23 at Renaissance Park at 1300 West 79th Street for 50 youths from 2 pm to 6 pm. We will invite the Senior citizens that live at/or around Renaissance Park and St. Sabina to join in for cardio drumming and for them to help tighten the circle on the Generational gap. Our children need the closeness of our elders to feel safe and our seniors need to feel safe with ease when engaging our youths. We will also host summer programming of teaching how to play the Art of Conga drumming along with an open Peace Drum Circle on Sunday 08/06, and every Thursday and Friday of 08/10, 08/11, 08/17, 08/18, and a final programming with youths of an open Peace Drum Circle on Saturday 08/19 with a total of 50 youths, ages from 5 to 17 years at Renaissance Park from 2 pm to 5 pm. We have the staff, as well as 2 youth service workers and the instruments (drums). We will teach the youths the Art of Conga hand drumming, along with other activities of Drum Hooping (hula hoop), basketball, bean bag toss, and face painting. We will provide food, fruit, and incentives for the youths.

  • Grant Recipient

    Celestial Ministries Association

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    This grant will go to support and enhance CMA’s Drumline program for the month of August. The funds will be used to compensate each drummer for participating for the month with $125 each. Funds will also provide partial compensation for the program manager. The drummer stipend will serve as an incentive to keep students engaged throughout the gap period of August, including two practices per week and 1-2 performances each week. Funds will also allow this program to meet an additional day each week in August for movie night (Thursdays), which will be hosted in CMA’s Community Garden located in the North Lawndale community.