

Our Grantmaking Strategy

For more than 100 years, The Chicago Community Trust has convened, supported, funded, and accelerated the work of community members and changemakers committed to strengthening the Chicago region. From building up our civic infrastructure to spearheading our response to the Great Recession, the Trust has brought our community together to face pressing challenges and seize our greatest opportunities. Today, that means confronting the racial and ethnic wealth gap.

Explore Our Discretionary Grants


Showing 3241–3248 of 3873 results

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Reborn Ministries will expand its current programming to offer two children's field trips and a children’s camping trip in addition to weekly programming. For youth Reborn is expanding to offer a youth camping trip, a week of service projects, a Labor Day weekend youth event and a Next Gen event. For community adults, youth, children and families Reborn has a week of service projects, a women's event, a men's camping trip and the annual Picnic in the Park. Youth and adults registered for Handyman Training School will be notified that the start date will begin earlier in August this year to accommodate for the gap in August instead of beginning in September.

  • Grant Recipient


    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Ollin Programs are Telpochcalli Community Education Project’s youth focused programming. They provide a space for Little Village youth to gather and discuss issues affecting their community. The programs promote peaceful, nonviolent strategies; foster leadership development; and provide fun, educational activities that are planned by and for the youth. They encourage youth to seek peaceful pathways for themselves and their peers and to turn away from participating in violent behavior and joining gangs. The additional funding from Safe and Peaceful Communities Grants will be used for the activities listed in the answer to the next RFP question.

  • Grant Recipient

    Jehovah Jireh 1 Outreach Ministry

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Jehovah Jireh (JJ1) will conduct weekly engagement activities in the month of August to occupy and build relationships with the community youth of Austin by creating safe spaces. During the August "break", JJ1 will hold a weekly game and cookout day for youth ages 10-18 serving a total average of 250 kids. JJ1 has experience running these types of events using it’s staff and expertise in running “Block Takeovers”. JJ1 will utilize street outreach, social media, and advertising at its current events to promote the activities to youth. JJ1 will use the funds to organize the events, recruit the youth, feed the youth and purchase any necessary food and games to execute the events.

  • Grant Recipient

    DLD For Youth NFP

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    DLD will connect with action oriented nonprofit organizations, churches, businesses along with municipalities. We will host a 3 day Back to School Festival/Educational Workshop for 4 hours a day, which will take place over the Labor Day weekend. The funds will be used to provide meals, school supplies, hygiene kits, daily incentives for students and parents such as raffles and entertainment to keep the youth and parents engaged with the program. DLD certified specialists, along with connecting with other certified specialists will teach on best practices through financial literacy and life skills workshops throughout the festival weekend.

  • Grant Recipient

    Automotive Mentoring Group Inc

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    On Friday, August 11 and Saturday, August 12, 2023, AMG will provide a mobile barber shop truck at the Automotive Mentoring location where we will provide free haircuts to school age children ages 5 – 18 years old. The objective is to provide self-esteem to school age children for their first day of school and get them off to school with a fresh start. On Friday, August 18 and Saturday, August 19, 2023, AMG will provide a mobile barber shop truck at the Automotive Mentoring location where we will provide free haircuts to school age children ages 5 – 18 years old. The objective is to provide self esteem to school age children for their first day of school and get them off to school with a fresh start. On Saturday, September 2, 2023, AMG is going to give away a limited number of children’s bicycles until the inventory is depleted. This event will be held at the Alderman’s office in the 20th Ward. This event is contingent on an anticipated matching grant from a number of funders.

  • Grant Recipient

    Life Changing Family Services

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Jesus Word Center Church was launched in 1986 in the Austin Community of Chicago, IL. The ministry started with seven members. Our congregation grows through our prison ministry to the Vienna Correctional Center of Ex-inmates, their families, and community members. After outgrowing our storefront location, we remained in the Austin community by sharing space with ST. Paul Lutheran Church. We have 325 members. Our congregation comprises 77 men, 127 women, 103 youth, and children. We have a mixture of college graduates, business owners, paraprofessionals, the health field, social workers, laborers, retirees, unemployed, and college students. Our Outreach ministries include a partnership with the Chicago Public School Safe Haven Program to keep our community students safe during the most violent hours of the day. A partnership with Playstreet and the city of Chicago, we block off the street 5 times during the summer months to allow children and their families to play and have social encounters with neighbors in a safe environment.

  • Grant Recipient

    Not Before My Parents

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $5,000

    Over the past few years, Chicago has remained a comparison to a war zone and youth still must deal with the "normalcy" of attending the funerals of their friends. They are not senior citizens attending services for a friend of 50-60 years; rather, they are teenagers and elementary school youth attending sad and mournful "homegoing celebrations" of their own friends, siblings, and relatives. From children in daycare impacted by stray bullets to young pre-teens with AR-15s, NBMP is declaring a state of love to decrease these unconscionable acts of violence. Our summer bridge programs will provide emotional, behavioral, and social support to youth, individuals, and families. Witnessing these tragedies brings out feelings of fear, mistrust, frustration, anger, disappointment, and shock. To live in this type of environment is unbelievably disconcerting as an adult. When a child must worry about violence when undertaking simple, ordinary things like walking to school, catching a bus, playing at the playground, or merely going to the candy store, it is stealing the innocence of their childhood. Our vision is to instill personal excellence, assist in building self-esteem, advocate for the celebration of cultural diversity, and unite communities. We empower youth through our NBMP Chess Moves Against Violence Community Engagement, Kick For Your Goals Soccer, and Let's Talk Trauma in the Community (mental health workshop). With this grant, NBMP will introduce its Skateboard for Safety & Peace initiative. In an effort to quell mob action by errant teens and young people, along with quelling gun violence and criminal activity, we will host 6-10 events between August 6th and Labor Day Weekend. These events will occur in the Englewood community (primarily), downtown Chicago, and West Englewood neighborhoods. From peace circles to peer-led community activities, we want to keep all of Chicago safe during the remainder of the summer months.

  • Grant Recipient

    Working Family Solidarity

    Awarded: Awarded Amount: $3,000

    We will organize an afternoon Back-To-School fun event on Saturday, Sept. 2nd, 12 - 4 pm, to celebrate and support the families at the ABLA Homes housing complex (just to the southeast of Ashland and Roosevelt, on the Near Southwest Side), where residents of these affordable housing units are 98% African American. We have been organizing and supporting the struggle to build more affordable housing at this site for the past 7 months, and we have built relationships with many residents, as well as with the Bethel Mennonite Community Church at 1434 S. Laflin St. We will hold an afternoon of fun activities, with BMC Church's participation and possibly other ally organizations, to bring families and youth together, with music, food, fun activities (bouncy house, art activities), and we will distribute back-to-school supplies. We will also have storytelling led by a community member who is a returning citizen, and we will pay stipends to several youth from the community to help us with this event. Our Lead Organizer, Kevin Johnson, will oversee this event planning, set-up, and day-of activities. Kevin is born and raised in Englewood, and has been working with ABLA Homes residents every week since early January of this year.