Disabilities Fund

Promoting the development of programs, policy, and public action that expands the empowerment, equal opportunity, inclusion, and participation of diverse persons with disabilities in the Chicago region.

  • $1.34 Million

    Dollars Raised

  • $689,000+

    Dollars Granted

  • 17

    Active Donors

  • 55+

    Organizations Impacted

Request for Proposals:
Pilot Grant Cycle

The Disabilities Fund of The Chicago Community Trust is excited to announce its Request for Proposals for its 2025 pilot grant cycle. For this cycle, the Fund seeks to fund grassroots organizations and programs (within larger organizations) that enhance the lives of disabled people and/or the broader disability community at the intersection of Black, Indigenous and people of color (“BIPOC”) and other marginalized communities.

Deadline: Wednesday, March 12th

Info Session: View the recording.

Please view the full RFP below for additional details.

The Disabilities Fund is committed to accessibility in its grant process. As possible, applicants should complete their application via GrantCentral, The Chicago Community Trust’s online grants management system. Screen-reader compatible Microsoft Word versions of the Organization Profile and the application are available for download below, or may be requested via email at disabilitiesfund@cct.org, to be completed and emailed for consideration by the deadline. Applicants may also submit video or audio files answering the application questions, and provide the information requested in the Organization Profile through a call with Trust staff in lieu of submitting responses.

Please reach out to Carrie Goodale at disabilitiesfund@cct.org or at 312-565-2574 to request any accommodations.

Current Advisory Board Members

Adam Ballard
(Interim Co-Chair)

Sadaf AjaniJae Jin Pak
Bri BeckRafael “Tizoc” Rico
Gizelle ClemensElon Sloan
Joyce OzehKatherine Vakil

About the Fund

The Disabilities Fund partners with and advises The Chicago Community Trust about disability inclusion and priorities for data-driven actionable solutions in the areas of employment, education, community inclusion and technology.

The Fund was established thanks to the generosity of Shawn Donnelley and the Naomi Williams Donnelley Fund.

Three people talk together
Two children play with building blocks at the Access Chicago Expo.

Did You Know?

There are over 800,000 people with disabilities in the Chicago region. 41,000 are young people. Explore the intersection of youth and disability, and get inspired to take action.

Learn More


  • Give to Disabilities Fund

    Promote the development of programs, policy, and public action that expands the empowerment, equal opportunity, inclusion, and participation of diverse persons with disabilities in the Chicago region.

    Make A Gift
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    To stay up-to-date with the work of Disabilities Fund, please complete an interest form to receive future communications from Affinity Funds.

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Explore Affinity Funds

Affinity funds are groups of donors united by a shared heritage, identity, or common interest. They offer an efficient way to support a specific group of people and the nonprofits that aid them by leveraging contributions through collective giving.